Recipe: Perfect Oat Mylk (tried and true)

In case you haven’t noticed – Oat Milk seems to be all the rage these days! I am seeing it line the grocery store shelves, become the “go to” milk alternative for coffee shops, and be the top choice for non dairy drinkers to have in their fridges at home. At first this made me SO happy to see as of course oat milk is a WAY healthier option than cows milk for both our bodies and the planet. And further more, oats can grow locally here in Canada and are a way less resource intensive option than nuts such as almonds and cashews which are also popular ways to make non dairy milk alternatives. However, on my first few attempts to try out oat milk from either coffee shops or in cartons from grocery stores, I was super disappointed with the quality of store bought brands being offered.

Here’s what I noticed was problematic with most store bought oat milk:

  • There are almost no organic brands
  • A lot of the brands are sweetened with tons of added sugar
  • There are a whole array of additional ingredients added to most store bought brands such as;  Sunflower Oil, Gellan Gum, Locust Bean Gum, and “Natural” Flavour

This is why I decided to always opt to make my own! I was surprised to find that this task seemed harder than I expected after my first few attempts. Most batches turned out gooey, slimy, and really not all that delicious. However, after many different trials – I’ve come to find what works perfectly every time!

My 2 Top Tips to Avoid “Slimy” Oat Milk?

  1. Do NOT OVER BLEND! I repeat, do not over blend!
  2. Use whole rolled oats (not quick, not steel cut, etc.) Whole Rolled Organic Oats are really what I have found to work out best.


– 1/2 cup whole rolled oats
– 4 cups filtered water
– 1/4 tsp. vanilla extract
– A pinch of cinnamon
– A pinch of sea salt
– Optional: 1-2 tsp. maple syrup or honey


– Place all ingredients into a blender (except the sweetener if you decide to use)
– Blend on medium to high speed for around 1 minute to 90 seconds. You want to blend until most of the clumps are gone and it appears to be a fairly homogenous consistency. Be sure to not blend much longer than this! If you do, it will turn out gooey
– Strain the oat milk into a jar. I personally use a very fine sieve (I bought the one I have in India and it’s what people use to make chai there). You can see my sieve in the background of the photos for an example. However, a nut milk bag works great for this too!
– Optional Step: If you notice there are still some chucks after straining, re blend your oat milk for an additional 15-20 seconds. This is where you can add a touch of maple syrup or honey if you want a light sweetness to your milk
– Store in a glass jar in the fridge. Be sure to shake well before each use
– Enjoy in tea, coffee, smoothies, or anywhere else you otherwise would have milk/ milk alternatives

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