This blog post is sponsored by Eaton Hemp
Hi friends! I could not be more excited to be sharing with you this best ever Creamy Hemp Cacao! Honestly, it’s like heaven in a cup!
AND it just so happens to be dairy free and does not require any store bought milks (that often contain binders, additives, and other weird stuff)!
But just wait – it gets even better! This cacao (as the name would suggest) is made from Hemp Hearts, more specifically Eaton Hemp Hearts! Making this drink not only taste delicious, but also be loaded with healthy fats, proteins, and trace minerals!
You all know I’m like the biggest fan ever of Eaton Hemp as they are a company with the highest standard of quality for their products – I’ve been collaborating with them for over a year because of it!
If you’re looking for a great source of hemp hearts – I highly recommend ordering a big batch of Eaton Hemp hearts. I honestly recommend buying like 3 bags minimum because once you fall in love with them you’ll want to put them on everything – like I do!
Oh and even more good news (as if learning about this hot hemp cacao wasn’t enough) – you can use the code MEG20 on any purchase at Eaton to get 20% off!

Okay so now onto the recipe!
- 3 Tbsp. Eaton hemp hearts
- 3 cups boiling water
- 1 date (preferably a medjool date)
- 1.5 Tbsp. cacao powder (or more if you like it extra chocolatey)
- Pinch of cinnamon
- Pinch of cardamom (optional)
- Pinch of sea salt
- Maple syrup to taste
- Place all ingredients into a Vitamix or blender and mix until super smooth, creamy, and frothy! Taste test and adjust as needed (I think it’s perf as is)
- Hope you love this Creamy Hemp Cacao as much as I do! Be sure to check out Eaton Hemp for 20% off your hemp hearts with the code MEG20!