An Incredible Daily Diet Addition?

This blog post was sponsored by Eaton Hemp

Do you ever wonder if there’s something you can add to your diet on a daily basis to help give you an extra little boost? Something that would help to help provide your body and mind with what they need to thrive? That’s actually in WHOLE food form (not a capsule/ tablet/ pill/ etc.)?

Well, as a nutritionist, I have an answer of the perfect food for you! Any guesses?


That’s right – if there’s one single diet addition I would recommend people add on a daily basis (along with their healthy balanced meals/ snacks) it would certainly be hemp hearts!

Let me share a little bit about why!

Why Are Hemp Hearts Such a Great Daily Addition?

  • They’re loaded with trace minerals such as zinc, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, B vitamins, and iron – and so much more! All of which are essential for mental health, healthy skin, hair, nails, hormone balance, energy, and more! This is especially important as in todays day the majority of soils in which our fruits & veggies grow are depleted of these trace minerals.
  • They’re loaded with the perfect balance of Omega 6: Omega 3 fatty acids – making them supportive for reducing inflammation, supporting brain health, and heart health
  • Hemp hearts are a complete plant based protein – containing all 9 essential amino acids. They contain 10g of protein per each 3.5 Tbsp. serving!
  • They’re loaded with anti oxidants such as Vitamin E to help fight free radicals in the body! Antioxidants are super important for supporting optimal health!
  • Because they’re loaded with micro nutrients, healthy fats, and protein – they are an incredibly supportive food for easing anxiety!

Okay, So How to Add Hemp Hearts to Your Daily Diet?

Aside from all their amazing health benefits, the other reason as to why I recommend hemp hearts as the optimal daily diet addition – is that they are SO versatile and easy to make apart of your daily diet!

In fact, you can add them to just about anything!

Best Ways to Use Hemp Hearts:

  • Sprinkled on top of oatmeal
  • Garnished on top of salads
  • Blended into dressings or smoothies
  • Made into ‘hemp mylk
  • Used in baked goods – such as these ‘Morning Glory Hemp Muffins
  • On top of nourish bowls, pasta, stir-fry – or just about any meal what so ever!
  • In bliss balls/ power balls

That last bullet brings me to my next point – if you find yourself looking for the most perfect healthy ‘on the go’ snack – AND want to find a simple way to add hemp hearts into your diet then you’ve got to try Eaton Hemp’s ‘Super Bites‘!

Eaton Hemp’s Super Bites are my #1 recommendation for a store bought snack (read more about why here in case you haven’t yet) – but for a quick recap – they’re made with hemp hearts (yay!), are certified organic, contain no refined sugars, and are free of weird additives of any kind! Not to mention they’re incredibly delicious!

You’ve got to give them a try to see for yourself! There are 4 different flavours so there’s sure to be one that you love – my fave is the ‘Peanut Buttery Chip’! Eating Super Bites is truly one of the easiest (and most delicious) ways to get hemp hearts on the daily!

Ready to Include Hemp Hearts Daily?

If you’re ready to make hemp hearts apart of your daily addition – that’s amazing! I’m so excited for you to experience the subtle yet powerful impact they can have on your body!

Now, the only other thing you need to know, before you begin consuming them daily, is where to actually buy them? Truthfully, the best brand I’ve ever come across for hemp products is Eaton Hemp (hence why I’m writing this blog post)!

Eaton Hemp is 100% organic, extremely transparent about their farming practices, and pay incredible amounts of detail to the entire process – from the way the plants grow in the field all the way to the products that come to us!

So in summary – hemp hearts are amazing and my top recommendation for a go-to daily diet addition! The best Hemp Heart brand to opt for is Eaton Hemp. You can try their top notch quality hemp hearts – or their incredible hemp heart containing snack – “Super Bites” (or like I do – both!) to get in your daily dose of hemp heart goodness!

Oh and lastly (and potentially most exciting) – you can use the code ‘MEG20′ for 20% off your order on any Eaton Hemp products!

I hope you love adding this under rated superfood to your diet!

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