Recipe: 4 Ingredient Peanut Butter Energy Balls

This will likely become your most basic ‘go to’ energy ball recipe that once you try – you’ll never want to live without!

It makes such a great alternative to store bought bars that are loaded with less than good for you ingredients!

I love this recipe because it’s so simple, free of gluten, refined sugars (except if you add the chocolate), and is loaded with healthy fats to support hormones and brain health!

Keeping the portions the same, you can experiment with the types of seeds/ nuts you use and nut butter to mix things up!

I love having these on hand for a quick afternoon pick me up – and they’re so sweet you can even enjoy them as a dessert!


– 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
– 1/2 cup sunflower seeds
– 1/2 cup smooth all natural peanut butter (preferrably salted)
– 1 cup dates: pre soak in hot water for easier blending
– Optional: 1/2 cup or more dark chocolate (either chop up a bar or use chocolate chips)


– Boil approximately 2 cups of water. In a bowl, place your 1 cup dates, and then pour the boiling water over them. Allow to sit for at least 15 minutes.
– In the mean time, in a food processor, blend/process the pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds until you reach a fine almost flour like consistency
– Then add the peanut butter and continue to blend
– Next, strain the water from the bowl of dates using a mesh strainer or sieve. Be sure to strain super well so there’s minimal water left on the dates. We allow the dates to soak in order to soften them – not to add water to the recipe!
– Lastly, add the well strained dates and process until you reach a homogenous texture
– Add in the dark chocolate chips – I like removing from processor and mixing the chocolate chips/ chunks in with my hands so the chocolate doesn’t get too blended up in the process – but it’s totally up to you and what you prefer!
– Roll into golf ball size shapes
– Can store in the fridge for up to 1 week or freezer for any longer

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